Thursday, October 11, 2007


well folks, i'm taking the next few weeks off from blogging on account of an inordinate amount of studying i need to do in preparation for my comprehensive exams!

i leave you with this article from Time Magazine circa 1965:

"On the other hand, scientists dream that one day a scholar will be able to quiz a regional computer by telephone from his office; whereupon the answer, perhaps from a paper by a foreign colleague, will bounce off an orbiting communications satellite first into a simultaneous translator and then on to the scholar's TV screen."

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Identity 2.0

My god they can slap "2.0" onto the back of anything these days huh? Aren't we at 3.0 yet?! Apparently not. But this is a list of 10 Future Web trends oh, and here's 10 MORE which presumably may eventually become 3.0's in their own right. And, as always, libraries should take note!

The Semantic Web concept has been bandied about since 2001 and still makes it to the top of the list. It is a vision developed by Sir Tim Berners-Lee, the guy who ACTUALLY invented the World Wide Web:

How does/could it work exactly? I highly recommend this article as the best step by step introduction to the concept. If you know even just a tiny bit about HTML this article will walk you easily through the progression to a Semantic Web.

Now, another related concept in the top trends is Identity 2.0:

...the anticipated revolution of identity verification on the internet using emerging user-centric technologies such as the OpenID standard or Microsoft Windows CardSpace. Identity 2.0 stems from the Web 2.0 theory of the world wide web transition. Its emphasis is a simple and open method of identity transactions similar to those in the physical world, such as driver's license. Identity 2.0 Wikipedia

This is a completely entertaining introduction to the concept. You will definitely giggle and nod:

PREVIEW: Later on in the week I'll cover how these technologies can ultimately enhance library services....