Tuesday, September 25, 2007

One laptop per child

THIS. this is fantastic.

MIT Media lab has done it, they've created a laptop that has the potential to bridge the digital divide and guess what is a huge part of that equation.....OPEN SOURCE SOFTWARE! freedom. sharing. love it. check this thing OUT!

“Everything in the machine is open to the hacker, so people can poke at it, change it and make it their own,” said Mr. Bender, a computer researcher. “Part of what we’re doing here is broadening the community of users, broadening the base of ideas and contributions, and that will be tremendously valuable.” (from the New York Times, Buy a Laptop for a Child, Get a Laptop)

And now they're offering a Give 1 to Get 1 program starting November 12 ending November 26...One will go to a child in a developing nation, and the other one will be shipped to you by Christmas and the whole thing is a tax-deductible charitable contribution.

if I wasn't so broke at the moment....sigh.